Actual News

Well, the one event that's still on my lips after almost a week of it having occurred was winning $250 at my local pub trivia night. If you want to play a little Jeopardy, here's the answers: Althorpe Park, Najaf and Glandular Fever. Which lead me to my next not-so-debilitating dilemma - what to spend it on? Obviously it was going straight to the US and A fund, but a nice something to celebrate the chance of the win (as opposed to the "skill") was in order. Thanks to Shai, he alerted me that Readings, a local bookstore has hard-cover copies of my beloved Science and Sanity for sale at reasonable prices, unlike the tear-inducing exchange rate. (61AUc = $1USD, natch.) I have to go to work tomorrow. Isn't playing the work-for-money game just so damned fun?

Although, I do have to give credit to my tutor for shouting our class two rounds of tequila shots. That was awesome. Especially showing up half-pissed to the Buzz Birthday dinner. That was also cool. I guess last Thursday was just an all-round party for me...