A Tolerable Distance

Do, just don't think too much about it. Hmm, sounds reasonable. Thanks Rae.

Interviewing Soilwork tomorrow. This is like a dream come true. I should ask to do things more often. I should be so surprised at the outcome.

Hopefully, just hopefully, Saturday will be the last 21st Birthday I will ever attend, ever. I'm looking forward to it, no doubt. Sam and Carey are very dear friends of mine. But If I have to sit through another one...there will be hell to pay.

With any situation, there are pros and cons. I'm just trying to evaluate whether a Bachelors Degree in Political Science is worth finishing at this juncture. I want to finish, but I have very little motivation, especially when my extra-curricular activities are immediately more rewarding. We'll see.

What passes for commercial music these days shouldn't.