Breathing Room

Comrade Rudd addresses the intelligensia summoned to his Great Hall of the Working Family

Some thought I was glued to the TV for K-Rudd's 2020 summit, but I knew what it was all about before they even started talking. It wasn't about the ideas itself or the policies they would formulate: it was one huge meta-communicative statement about re-aligning all the semantic reactions formed in the Howard years back towards the dogma of the Labor party, namely the Labor Right.

It was essentially a ritualistic cleansing of the backward thinking that had permeated all facets of Australian politics and political economy, of which Third Way "Keatingite" economics must struggle amongst the tentacle-like restraints of economic rationalism. Not that Labor gives a shit about monetary and fiscal policy anyway - they deregulated most of that shit in the 80s, and is now just "conventional sense" in the bureaucracy in the strictest interpretation of the term.

How to act as a facilitator rather than a service provider is the biggest challenge for Rudd-baby to crack a nut and deliver his promised programs (some of which are completely retarded - universal enrollment of voters? And which privacy laws will you trample over to get that information?) without breaking his budget surplus. All of which will only cause an inflation of the utterances of "working families", elevating it to an even higher abstraction than it ever was previously.