Sedate and Anaesthetize

I just saw the latest episode of Doctor Who. Russel T. Davies wants to go out on a bang, and he certainly isn't going to disappoint. Steven Moffat better not drag the good Doctor into the soppy dark ages, however.

I'm slowly running out of money and sanity. I never thought having money was contingent on my mental health, but its beginning to seem that way. Every time i fork over currency, my mind is forming resistances and dark reminders that I shouldn't be spending or staying at home. Every bill is like a blade being twisted in my spine - I lost my gym membership card the other day and I flew into a rage just because I knew it incurs a replacement fee. I gained perspective, eventually. I'm sort of numbing myself to any and all effects that the outside world wants me to have. Its so I can function and experience more so than live and feel, and I think I'm fine with that.