Desecrate and Eliminate

Looking at my account settings on Facebook, I contemplated deactivating my account. Well, you know, because Facebook is generally depressing for me.

And after some epic LJ dramaz that I've been privileged enough to troll, I chuckled at the sight of this:

I just love how it's listed first, as if it were the most common reason for deactivation. And since when was Facebook ever supposed to be useful? If there are three things that are cheap and abundant on the internet, its opinions that no one asked for, horny men with weird fetishes and useless fucking websites. Its just the law. I can be so bitter and evil sometimes. But then again, I don't give a fuck. Its an essential trait to carry as a corporate media whore, or in my case, an aspirant corporate media whore. (I'll sell out for $7 and a Coke Zero! And sell you out for less!) You have to be when you're attempting to launch your full scale invasion onto everyone's monitors for those three brief seconds while they attempt to find a picture with their own face in it. It's called "exposure."

I swear, if you aren't prepared to disclose yourself as openly as you would in "real life" and roll with the resultant backlash, then don't do it on the internet. The internet is three times as worthless and five times as pointless as "IRL" dramaz. (I would know, I've survived about three or four of them myself. For the most trivial of fucking reasons. Some dear readers may remember them.) But when you're not directly involved, boy howdy, they can be damn fun! Next time you're being trolled/tried via blog, call up the person and ask them what their beef is. They'll usually back down and apologize. That is also very fun.