On the Nature of the Psyche

Here's a quote from a comment I left on a friend's LJ. It sums up most of the discoveries i've made recently in my GS studies.

Most people who talk shit about you are only making inferences. They aren't giving any potential recipient any meaningful information about you anyway. Its as if they hand over a picture of some sort of twisted monster that bares no resemblance to you and declare that picture "is" you. It took me about five or six months to realize a word used to describe me is not me. It's quite mind-blowing when it all "clicks."

If they take offense to you as a person, then their value system is warped and inhuman. If they are taking offense to the things you do and the values you hold and the opinions you express, then that's different. That's normal. Often times the otherness is in themselves, not the person they project the feelings on to. I know people talk shit about me behind my back. Ultimately, your reaction to it will determine how much of it effects your daily functioning.

I'm going to see Opeth on Friday. First time in a long time where I have to sit around with all the regular jack-offs instead of being shouted beer and going back stage and shit. *sighs* My next interview is with Amanda Palmer of the Dresden Dolls - should be rather intriguing, to say the least.

Also: I think I'm in love with the girl from this MGMT video.

And I might actually have a (paying) job soon! Hooray!