Intrigue and Incense

When a party is in opposition, especially one that believes in its divinely ordained right to rule our nation by virtue of their mere existence, high profile players usually snipe at one another via the media when it becomes evident their policies won't wedge the government of the day - case and point of John Hewson telling Peter Costello to resign. That's all fine and dandy, but the fact that he attacks the man personally on his achievements baffles me to say the least. Not really out of character for the usual Tory ad hominem smear politics. (Remember! They made Latho cry! Actually fucking cry!)
Sure, he was never made leader of the parliamentary Liberal party, but he did deliver a GST and win a whole bunch of elections; something Hewson never achieved despite his ambitious aspirations, even suffering a defeat, losing the "unloseable" Fightback! campaign of 1993. (And he was in Opposition! He not only didn't win, he actually lost. Cue the sad trombone.)

On second thoughts, the squabble could be reduced to an Onion-esque headline: "Old loser tells hurt loser to quit."