In Error

Well, what exactly have I been doing? Looking up websites. It's what I do. Oh, and try to transmit myself across the internet to the girl I'm totally in love with. So far it hasn't been working. I'll have to buy that plane ticket after all. Damn it all to hell!

Which is kind of daunting, to say the least. Arriving in Seppoland and getting all my necessary paperwork in order might just drive me batty. I'll be set up there in no time at all, I just don't have much fundamentals here, scarcely less than over there (but still more, damn you!). I'm sort of stuck, scrambling for ideas on how to pass myself off as a journalist when next to no-one believes that's what I (have been) do(ing) since I was in high school, essentially. Except for those 20 readers a day. I love YOU guys heaps.

I've got interviews set up with all kinds of interesting people; but I can't for the life of me figure out who wants to read about them. In a world that thrives on hearsay, uninterested as hapless facts look on in disillusion, what exactly do I do?