Natural Born Somethings

To me, the most bizarre debate that seems to simmer at the fringes of American politics and civil society at the moment (even more so than the dude at 2:58 of this video) is that of the Birthers, the name of a group who claim the presidency of Barack Obama is illegitimate due to his "reluctance" or "inability" to produce a valid birth certificate that proves his US birth and citizenship.

Since he was (or maybe he wasn't?) born in Hawaii, I'm assuming that to get a birth certificate, you would probably have to rock up at a Hawaiian State births, deaths and marriages registry or something similar, take a ticket, wait in line, produce three or four forms of ID, pay a fee and blah blah blah. Such a damn hassle, man.

Seriously; these Birthers don't know how government services work. You can't tell one of the legions of interns and assistants to go for you - you'd have to front up, in person. I'm assuming these Birthers are from the right of the American political spectrum; so therefore even if Mr. Obama did actively try to refute the claims of the Birthers' group, he would have to take Air Force One and its mandatory military escort to Hawaii which would then open him up to criticism from the same group for wasting taxpayer money. Oh, and taking time off for personal reasons, too.