We are not all journalists now

Now that the internet is promulgated with myriad options to self-publish, its becoming plainly apparent that self-styled bloggers - or glorified and over-opinionated people with a platform to air their views - consider themselves journalists. Here's something you can publish on your next blog: If you never went to some form of school in publishing, journalism or media and communication, you are not a journalist.

"But Tom," they'll whine, "I get press releases in my email! I am invited to industry events! I'm an insider god damn it!" Perhaps - maybe I'm disinclined to believe you if you're able to string a sentence together and work in the industry that the events are aimed at. If you're an IT professional - yeah, you do get invited to trade shows. If you work in retail - sure, product launches are a place to be. That doesn't make you a journalist, it makes you a wanker with access.

Wankers with access are just dudes who are privileged enough to "know a guy" or are invited to exclusive events due to the nature of their primary occupation. If that is the case, then you are not a journalist. Just like how my knowledge of CPR does not make me a doctor or my ability to trade foreign currency does not make me a stock broker. If your definition of verifying sources is "waiting for the next press release" then you are not a journalist. Becoming a journalist is hard work. You are just a dude with a website. Please cease and desist on debasing my profession.

Yours sincerely,
