Interview: Steve Hughes: "It's the beginning of the Satanic new world order" and it ain't pretty (Metal As Fuck)

Remember that kid getting scolded by his father for watching Megadeth when he wanted to see the News? Well, this IS the news, according to man of quick-silver wit and rivet head, Steve Hughes. Die-hard Metallica fans might want to grab a tissue for this one...

“I’ll grab me coffee and I’ll be there,” speaks comedian Steve Hughes softly down the phone from Adelaide, South Australia. To the uninitiated, it’s a godforsaken outpost of wine, weed and the weird. Steve is bedraggled, rakish and clad in faded black t-shirt. He’s more smartarse than man, driven extra mad by misinformation and bullshit fed down the mass media pipe. So he fits right in, as a matter of course. “I didn’t go from death metal to comedy because I’m completely fucking normal,” he quips.

Read more at Metal as Fuck.